
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Homegrown Primal, Regenerative Agriculture and Organs with Janet Stott
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
This episode brings us Janet Stott founder of organ supplement company Homegrown Primal. She is an advocate of whole food's and eating the most nourishing food on the planet, animal food.
We learn a lot in this conversation and explore her journey of starting a organ supplement company, why we need organ supplements and how we can become more vibrant and healthy humans; by what we eat!
Check out the links for more information on Home grown primal and the sponsor links, below.
Homegrown Primal : https://homegrownprimal.co.nz/
Instagram : @homegrownprimalnz
ELYTE : https://elytehydration.com/. USE CODE SO10 FOR 10% YOUR ORDER

Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Finding Calm, Under Pressure with Dave Wood
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
This episode features Dave Wood, a coach and teacher on all things stress, breathe awareness, performance, and overall health integrity.
Dave's approach is very holistic and we explore the systems, techniques, methodologies and principles by which he presents, through a body of work he describes as 'integrated training' .
We learn about his approach and how he developed his system. We learn about what it's like working with the most elite athletes in the world. We talk about what techniques and approaches we can utilise through daily life. We explore the theory within his teachings and how this correlates to the internal and external operators our day to day.
I hope you can incorporate his teachings in any way, big or small as they add value to this ever expanding, stress prevalent life. Remembering; stress isn't neither good, nor bad, its how we respond and adapt to it.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Fiona Hayvice on Running, Enduring & Acceptance
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Hello, welcome back to another episode of the Living In Service podcast. Its good to be back and bringing some engaging and insightful conversations with some special minds.
This episode features a real studette in the ultra running and endurance space in New Zealand, Fiona Hayvice. Shes a true ultra runner that knows how to push her body and her mind. Be prepared to learn her epic journey of how she began running, her difficult situations she encounters and how she's overcome these adverse situations. You'll learn about how she nourishes herself on such efforts, what running around a track for 48 hours is like and much more.
We explore Fiona's secret weapon; her mind. We delve into the tools she uses and how she encounters difficulty and the language she choose's when encountering such pain and discomfort.
For the everyday person or the avid athlete, Fiona gives you all something of utility to implement on your own endurance event, in life, or on the trail.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
‘Owning It’, Responsibility and Overcoming with Brad Smeele
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
This episode features non other than Brad Smeele. A New Zealand ex pro wake boarder turned quadriplegic. We learn about his harrowing story of how he had to face his life altering accident and how he's had to embrace and confront his reality.
We learn Brad’s tool's and mindset shifts he's had to implement thats aided him in getting through his darkest of days.
This conversation is hard at points as it shines direct, a light on the ever growing, global collapse of mental health and the outcomes that are all too common.
Brad is also an author of his incredible autobiography, where he chronicles his internal process of healing and acceptance and his plan for his life ahead.
To find out more check out the links below. Keep owning it!
Book : https://www.paperplus.co.nz/shop/books/owning-it-the-ride-that-changed-my-life
Instagram : @bradsmeele
Keynote Speaking : https://www.celebrityspeakers.co.nz/speakers/brad-smeele

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sam Harvey : More Than Running, Breaking World Records & Grit
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
This one folks, is one to listen to, in its entirety. Exploring the bounds and depths of Ultra runner Sam Harvey, exploring his mindset and focus to set out to crush and eventually break world records.
We discuss his foray into thus ultra running world and where hes found his niche in the peculiar racing format of last man standing. The name says it all. You run a loop in an hour, every hour until your the last man standing. Simple if its for a few hours, or several. In Sam's case try several days... We go into the weeds of what sort of mind is required to delve into such terrain and where one gathers their focus from.
We discuss nutrition for such events, the ultimate why question, ideas on pushing your own limits and more.
Please don't forget to like and review this episode on all good podcast and video platforms.
Links :
Instagram @samharvey_cloudlander

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
The Deepest Person on Earth, Freediver William Trubridge
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
This episode is with the one and only, Wiliiam Trubridge. The current world record holder of the deepest free dive in the world.
We get to discuss what it takes to plunge to such depths, the mindset needed for such efforts, how one prepares for such a task, his diet and much more.
This was a deeply insightful conversation that informs us of the mindset and work one must take up in order to achieve such accomplishments. The commitment, the work, the discipline and the focus are all the principles and requirements to be such an individual.
Thankyou for tuning in,
Speak soon,
Links :
Instagram : @willtrubridge
Book : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35284961-oxygen

Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Simon Cochrane : Being an Ultraman, Athlete and Coach
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Simon Cochrane is an elite endurance athlete. Spending a lot of his athletic tenure in the sport of triathlon. He's embarked into the even further fringe territory of ultra triathlon.
Having found his pocket in Ultaman, covering a total self propelled distance of 515km including a 10km Swim, 421.1km Bike Ride & 84.4km run. Having just beaten and set, the new world record in Noosa, Australia of 19:48:47.
This is a conversation discussing the intricacies of such an effort, the preparation required, the recovery. We discuss the process of being an athlete and the mental tools required to achieve such a task.
Athlete aside, this is a conversation for those who wish to understand the mind of an focused individual. For those who wish to go deeper into their own reservoir of potential and for those who wish to simply become their own Ultra ideal self.

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Crossing Antarctica, Fearvana & The Worthy Struggle with Akshay Nanavati
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Akshay Nanavanti is one of the most intentional humans I’ve probably ever met. Through sheer determination and extreme focus, Akshay has explored the bounds of what’s humanly possible.. With this, he is currently in preparation for the first ever crossing of Antarctica, from coastline to coastline, unsupported, and alone..
This is only a smidge of the capacities this man has tapped into and continues to tap into and we get to breakdown his psychologies, tool’s and approaches he implements in his own life.
Be prepared to learn mental tools to overcome your own perceived barriers, how to confront fear and discomfort and how to find your own, worthy struggle.
To support Akshay and his amazing feat check the support link below if you feel called to contribute to this groundbreaking, world record feat.
Links :
Website : https://fearvana.com
Book : https://www.amazon.com/FEARVANA-Revolutionary-Science-Health-Happiness/dp/1630476056
Support the crossing : https://bliss.fearvana.com/greatsoulcrossing
Instagram : @fearvana

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Jono Ridler on Swimming 100km’s & Setting Your Focus
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Ultra Distance Ocean Swimmer, Jono Ridler sits down with me to discuss the in's and out's of swimming 100km's, non-stop. Swimming through the cold ocean all for a grater cause of raising awareness for ocean conservation group, Live Ocean. This effort suitably titled, SWIM4THEGULF.
We get to explore the process of preparing for such an effort, the mental tool's he utilised, his nutrition, training load and much more. There's only a select few people in the world who have swum the length that Jono has, so this in itself shine's a massive light on the type of person and the type of mind set required for such an effort.
We go deep into his preparation for this task, how it was first decided, his other feats, completing Triple Crown of ocean swimming in NZ, which entails swimming Lake Taupo, The Cook Strait and the Foveaux Strait.
All the links to the donations for Live Ocean are below along with Jono’s instagram.
Speak soon,
Links :
Instagram : @jonoridler
Facebook : Jono Ridler
Donations : https://liveocean.com/foundation/swim4thegulf/

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Jess Wharton : Understanding Gut Health, Nutrition & Eating with Intuition
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Nutritionist, Jess Wharton specialises in gut health, functional testing (which analyses hormones, enzymes and multiple bodily functions within the human body) and mental health. We discuss her journey of becoming a nutritionist and the progressive path she’s been on, to better equip herself and her clients, for a sustainable grasp on longevity and fundamentally, better health.
This conversation brings up many necessary tools and philosophies, while shedding light on a practical framework, for better all round health. This dialogue explores how all foundations of Ill health, begin in the gut. This takes us to many corners of the nutrition sphere that Jess so beautifully delivers and conveys.
Enjoy the episode and get in touch if you would like to know more.
Links :
Practice : https://keynutrition.co.nz
Instagram : @jesswharton_nutritionist
Sponsors :